
May I, Madam, draw the attention of the hon. Minister to an important Committee set up by the Government of India in 1998. under the chairmanship of Mr. Neogi who was asked to enquire into the various problems of railway-road co-ordination? Their preliminary report appeared sometime ago and it was even circulated to all the State Governments for their opinion. But to my regret, I have to say that the work of this Committee has been very much hindered as a result of the indifference and may I say callous negligence on the part of the State Governments as well as on the part of the Ministry concerned in taking up this question and in pursuing it so that we may be able to have a clear and comprehensive picture of the transport situation in the country. Now, railway transport like any other mode of transport is suffering under a major handicap the handicap being that we do not know nor does the Railway Ministry know what the exact quantum of transport requirement in the country is and what the rising demand is which the Railways are expected to cater to in future. Certain targets which have been worked out in the Tenth Plan have been given to us. In the Ninth Plan we were given certain targets

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