
You have rightly stated that the principle of this Bill has been unanimously accepted by the House and most of the relevant points have been made out and that no time of the House should be taken by repeating the same points again and again. One of the points on which I want to lay stress and which is being disputed again and again by the Treasury Benches is the question of cottage industries. Though you pointed out to them yesterday that there is provision in this Bill to take into consideration the cottage industries also and the hon. the Deputy Minister realised it again there was a point raised by Mr. Sidhva today and the hon. Speaker who was in the Chair at the time said that the scope of the Bill is confined only to the consideration of protection to industries as against foreign industries, i.e., to give protection to the indigenous industries as against imported goods and the question of cottage industry does not come in here.

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Erin Gonzales

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