
We have heard the learned counsel for the parties and perused the judgment in question. The learned Single Judge it is seen has painstakingly dwelt on the matter in-depth and examined all the points in issue both on facts and law and as such without further again elaborating or recounting all the facts and details this appeal is being examined on a narrow compass which basically stems from the interpretation of the two orders dated 04.08.1947 and 20.10.1952 which for the sake of convenience are reproduced herein below. There is no dispute whatsoever that the Respondent No. 1 (writ petitioner) Smti Momin who has since deceased referred to in both the aforementioned orders was holding the office.

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

+91 95134 XXXXX

Erin Gonzales

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