
But I said If you look at the occasions on which we have seemed to side with the Soviet Union what do you find? Were they not issues in which India and the developing countries were vitally interested? And if this was so would it not be more true to say that the Soviet Union has supported the stand taken by the developing countries by the African and Asian countries and not that we had gone out of our way to support the Soviet Union Afterwards I put this question to the Ministry of External Affairs and actually when we counted up we found that it was not even true to say that we had voted with the Soviet Union on more occasions than we had voted with the other countries of the western block.

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

+91 95134 XXXXX

Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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