
Mr. Vice-Chairman, Sir, the Plantations Labour Bill, 2003 was introduced in the Rajya Sabha on the 6th March, 2003, then, it was referred to a Joint Committee of both the Houses and this Joint Committee submitted its report in 2005. Now, we are discussing this Bill today after six years of the submission of the report by the Joint Committee. Hence, the Bill would not be able to deal with the present day expectations of the workers of the plantations. The original Act in regard to the plantation labour, namely, the Act of 2001 itself provided various welfare measures for the plantation labour. But unfortunately the planters non-chalantly violated all these provisions for welfare measures.

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

+91 95134 XXXXX

Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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