
The second thing is my friend Bhupinder Singh also raised that question some districts of Orissa, bordering Chhattisgarh and Andhra, very backward and especially the naxalite movements are very active in those areas. In that area there is no railway line. They have been coming to the railway station after covering nearly 150 kilometres to board a train. For so many years they have been demanding a new railway line. My friends have raised this issue and brought it to the notice of the Railway Minister.

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

+91 95134 XXXXX

Erin Gonzales

+91 95134 XXXXX

Erin Gonzales

+91 95134 XXXXX

Erin Gonzales

+91 95134 XXXXX

Erin Gonzales

+91 95134 XXXXX

Erin Gonzales

+91 95134 XXXXX

Erin Gonzales

+91 95134 XXXXX

Erin Gonzales

+91 95134 XXXXX

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