
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I think the House will agree with me that the Health Minister while piloting this Bill to us made a very brilliant and studied presentation and explanation on the various provisions of this Bill, and I wish to join other Hon'ble Members in congratulating warmly the Health Minister for the initiative and imagination with which he has been dealing with this terrible problems. This is a good measure in the right direction. Because of the fact that several of the Hon'ble Members who have spoken before me have touched on the various aspects of the law, I would rather view this piece of legislation more from human and philosophical angles then from a purely legalistic angle.

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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Erin Gonzales

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